How to Be More Confident on Camera
Facebook Live, YouTube, IGTV – we’re in an age where video reigns supreme. While video is nothing new, it continues to grow in popularity with consumers and businesses.
But shooting a video of yourself can feel awkward and intimidating. You might be thinking:
- Where do I point the camera?
- Does this outfit make me look fat?
- What if I’m boring or rambly?
Before you even sit in front of the camera, you’ve talked yourself out of it.
For many, getting in front of a camera doesn’t feel natural. Then there’s the lighting, sound, and background to think about. While videos can seem overwhelming, it doesn’t have to paralyze you. In fact, you don’t need extensive amounts of formal training – all it takes is a few simple tips to get started.
In this week’s podcast, Chrissy Weathersby Ball shares three powerful ways you can put your video fears behind you and start boosting your video confidence.
Be Comfortable
Remember a time when you’ve worn the wrong outfit? Maybe you didn’t get the memo that an event was business casual, and you showed up in jeans. Or you forgot that your super cute sweater is also super itchy and uncomfortable.
What happened next? You were constantly pulling, tugging, or fussing to try and feel at ease. Thoughts of, “Ugh, why did I wear this?” or “I can’t wait to change” were running through your mind.
Not feeling comfortable in what you’re wearing makes it incredibly difficult to be present.
The same goes for your surroundings. Some environments motivate us more than others. If you’re worried about what viewers may think about your location, you’ll be less present or feel distracted.
What should you do?
- Opt for clothing that makes you feel confident and empowered. When looking through your closet, choose what fits well and feels good. It doesn’t have to be a doctor’s coat (unless you actually wear one all day). Just make sure it feels comfortable, empowers you, and reflects who you are.
- For your location, find a place that makes you feel comfortable. The goal is for your background to stay in the background – and not be a distraction for you or your audience. Consider the reason you’re showing up, and make sure the location you choose supports what you’re sharing. For example, if you’re talking about something somber, don’t film at the beach. If you want to add a personal touch, filming at your kitchen table may be appropriate.
Choosing the best clothing and surroundings for your video makes a huge difference for your confidence level. You can relax knowing that you’re representing yourself and your business in the best way possible – and that you’re offering value to your community.
Be Authentic
Think about a famous celebrity who’s loved by all but not exactly known for their dashing good looks. Now ask yourself, “Why do I like this person?” It’s likely because they’re open, fully present, and just being themselves.
Being authentic is one of the best gifts you can give your community. But how can you be authentic if you’re worried about your lighting, what you’ll say, or if you’ll sound weird saying it?
As previously mentioned, choosing clothing and a location that’s comfortable makes a difference. It eases your mind and helps shift your thoughts back towards more productive areas, like serving your community.
True authenticity allows you to be who you really are. It takes courage and commitment to share yourself openly – but it’s also much easier to just be yourself.
Being authentic helps you build deeper connections with others, like your target audience.[1] As you begin to build those relationships, here are some additional tips to strengthen those connections:
- Have a simple conversation. Imagine you’re talking to just one person. Even though you’re speaking into some lifeless/unfamiliar/sterile camera dot, pretend you’re talking to just one person – not a huge audience. That’ll help you reach through the camera and make an emotional connection with the human being on the other side.
- Provide value. When you’re focused on providing value, you show you care about the person instead of always trying to make a sale. Focus on their problems and offer them simple and actionable solutions.
- Break down complex concepts. As a healthcare professional, you’re well-versed in medical terminology and industry jargon. Remember that you’re talking to an everyday person. You want them to understand you, trust you, and feel respected by you. So don’t talk over their heads, and try to avoid buzzwords and acronyms. Instead, pretend you’re explaining something to a friend or parent who isn’t in your line of work.
These speaking tactics may feel awkward at first, but don’t worry – they’ll become more natural over time.
Be Connected
Being authentic invites you to come as you are. Feeling like you have to show up a certain way puts pressure on you – pressure that’s unnecessary. You don’t have to fit into a cookie-cutter mold because you’re a certain type of practitioner. What you bring to the table is unique and valuable.
It’s okay if you stumble over your words every now and then. Not being perfect shows you’re a real person. It makes you relatable. People love that. Patients love that.
What actually matters is that you connect with your audience. Think of when you’re at your clinic or facility seeing a patient. How do you speak to them? You listen. You engage. You care. You remove distractions and focus entirely on them. You show up and you serve.
The same goes for when you shoot a video. Consider what may distract your viewers and remove it. If your background is cluttered, clean it up or move locations. If you’re fidgeting with your clothes, change into something more comfortable.
Remove distractions so you can focus on them and they can focus on you. And then simply connect and have a genuine conversation.
Being Camera Confident
Shooting a video can sometimes seem like a lot. It doesn’t feel natural, and it’s tempting to get stuck in your head. You worry about your clothes, your words, and how you’re going to come across. No wonder you end up putting it on the back-burner!
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Feeling confident in front of the camera is much easier than you think.
Being intentional when preparing to shoot your video will help you feel comfortable and empowered. This will help you better relate to your audience and come off authentically to your viewers. Because when it comes time to sit down in front of that camera, nothing beats just being you.
For more ideas, check out the full podcast and catch Chrissy’s 5 Tips for Making Great Videos.
1. 2016. The Importance of Being Authentic – Wharton Magazine. Retrieved August 21, 2020, from