
005: Using Facebook Live to Build Your Audience with Dr. Bart Precourt





Ronda Nelson: Welcome to The Clinical Entrepreneur, a business podcast that’s dedicated to healthcare practitioners just like you who are hustling every day to build a business and a life you’re proud of. Join me, Ronda Nelson, as I share my own experiences, and extract actionable advice from industry experts about what it takes to build and scale a profitable wellness practice.


Well, hello, everyone. Welcome to The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Ronda Nelson. Thank you so much for taking the time to hang out with me today. This episode is going to be a big eye-opener for many of you because today, I have my special friend and guest, Dr. Bart Precourt with us, who’s going to talk about how he has completely transformed his clinic, his business, how he has attracted all kinds of new patients (that are his perfect patients, by the way), and how he’s leveraged and used Facebook to do that. So, I think you are going to love hearing from him.




Ronda Nelson: So, Bart, are you there?


Dr. Bart Precourt: I’m here.


Ronda Nelson: Here’s my man. Thank you so much and welcome. Before we start, I want to let the listeners know that Bart has been in practice in Northern Florida for 23 years, and the name of his clinic is Balanced Health Studio. He’s obviously very active on Facebook which is the topic of our show. We’ll have lots of links for you in the show notes, but we’ll go over those later. For now, I’m just so excited that you’re here because I think the thing that practitioners need to know the most is how to leverage and use Facebook, how to be consistent, how to come up with a topic or title for their Live because there are so many questions around it. Most it comes from our own insecurity or lack of know-how and we can’t wait to learn from you. So, you have built a tremendous following with your Facebook Lives. I watch them all the time! And I really do love the dogs. I see you have a pup right there.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yeah, that’s Paris.


Ronda Nelson: Paris has given us her back side! She’s not even looking at us.


Dr. Bart Precourt: [laughing] She already worked this morning. She was already on Facebook this morning. So, she’s good. She’s all done.


Ronda Nelson: Well, she’s over it. Then let’s get started. First, I would love to know, how did you get involved in this whole Facebook foray. What happened?


Dr. Bart Precourt: I tell you, it’s actually a funny story. I do a community cleanse every January with this Standard Process 21-day cleanse. And I have everyone who participates in a private Facebook group. A few years ago, I wanted to send them a motivational message one morning so I recorded a FB Live and it seemed to work out great. I was like, “Man, this is great!” I just reached out to 300, 400 people that are doing the cleanse with just one message, and I thought it was the best thing in the world. When I went to do it again the next day, I didn’t select the private group when I sent it. And that message ended up going out to my entire audience. So, several thousand of my Facebook friends got it instead. The feedback I got was crazy. And I was like, “Wow,” that’s incredible! I was thinking to myself, “Why wouldn’t I do this every day?” And that’s really how it started. It was totally by mistake. At the time, I felt safe talking to my cleanse group but probably would have been too nervous to do something for my own audience. Or I would have thought that I didn’t have the perfect message. What if someone doesn’t like it? What if my hair is not right? You know, all that kind of stuff.


Ronda Nelson: Your hair is always out of control! I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. [laughing] But okay, anyway.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, that’s how it started. And then literally, I thought, “Alright, I’m just going to roll with this thing.” I had a lot of stumbling blocks after that, but that’s how it all started.


Ronda Nelson: So, if you had to go back and you could rewind the clock back to your pre-Facebook Live stardom, what are the three things that you would tell a practitioner to either not worry about or things that they need to know? What would your new-self tell your old-self?


Dr. Bart Precourt: Well, I would say one particular thing that really hit me and will make you more money than anything else you’re doing…


Ronda Nelson: Yeah, baby, preach it.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Because if someone had told me that way back then, I would have been even more bold! Because, listen, we’re all giving, loving, and serving every day and that’s always going to happen. But if I knew that by going live every day on Facebook, I could reach thousands of people with my message, and very specific types of people, and that it would grow my practice almost overnight, putting me in the position of a leader in my space, I would have done it years sooner. So here’s my question to your audience: “Do you want to be a leader in your space? Do you want to make more money and literally not have to spend a dime?” Then this is what you should be doing. And Ronda, we hear it all the time. It doesn’t cost you any money. This doesn’t cost you any money.


Ronda Nelson: Nothing. Except a little time. But that’s it.


Dr. Bart Precourt: If you do it the way I do it, it’s scheduled in as part of my normal daily routine. So I record anywhere from a three to six or seven minute video which is usually my longest. Oddly enough, one of the ones I did last week was a leadership message, and it organically reached almost 40,000 people. It’s crazy! And it was just a leadership message. I don’t set aside a lot of time to do them. That’s one of the questions I get from a lot of practitioners. So, where do I find the time? I always tell them to use the time they spend in their car or some other activity they do every morning. I get in my car every day anyway so I take advantage of the time and record it in my car. It takes me three to five or six, seven minutes max to do it. So, time isn’t really an element here.


Ronda Nelson: So, how do you decide what you’re going to talk about? You have the greatest titles on your Facebook Lives. And by the way, for those of you listening or watching on YouTube, in the show notes, there’s a link to one of Bart’s Facebook Lives done in his car with Paris. I watch him all the time. I love your titles. So, not only do you make it super easy and you do something that’s repeatable because you get in your car every day to go to work but how do you come up with these titles? So, I guess that’s two questions. I’ll let you answer them.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Let’s talk about the topics and the titles first. I get asked that question the most. My patients, my clients ask me, “How do you come up with all the topics?” And it’s really simple. They give them to me all day long, every day. The questions that come up over and over again during conversations I have during consults or in the things I teach over and over and over again to my patients. Those are the real questions that the public wants to know about. I try to figure out the shortest and fastest way that I can ask the question so I can get their brain to try and answer the question. So, here’s the power. If I can get you to read a question, let’s just say, “Are my adrenals fatigued?” your brain has already answered it. But if I make a statement, it doesn’t require you to engage with me. But if I get you to ask yourself a question, then I’ve already got you engaged in my conversation. So, almost always it’s going to be some kind of a question like, “Are you stepping up?” Or today, it was about hope. “Is hope a good strategy?”


Ronda Nelson: You are so right. Our brains are wired to have completion. When something’s happening in our outside world, and we don’t understand it, our brain wants to make a complete story out of it. And so, when we ask a question, the brain wants to answer that question. It’s kind of like Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory. When he plays the song, and Amy, his girlfriend, leaves off the last three notes of Pop Goes the Weasel, he about comes out of his skin because he needs to complete the loop. And he’s obviously an extreme example. [laughing] But it to your point, if you ask a question, the listener is going to naturally lean in a little bit and go, “Really? Are my adrenals fatigued? Do I have stress?” I love it.


Dr. Bart Precourt: And I would say to the listeners, just go to my Facebook and look at 20 titles. Even if you don’t the videos, just go to 20 titles, and just read them over and over and over again. I try to make them intriguing. I try to think of the question that I’ve been asked directly in clinic or reframe a question someone may want to ask but isn’t sure how. And then I come up with a simple way of saying it. “These three simple steps….” or “These two things….” or “It might not be what you think…” are really, really tight packages, kind of like putting a little emoji in there, letting them know that, “Hey, this is going to be fun – we’re not going to school right now. We’re going to go have a ride. We’re going to have some fun. We’re going to have a little education along the way.”


Ronda Nelson: And how do you feel when you have a post that doesn’t work out so well? If you have one going but you stop the camera and think, “That was so dumb.” What do you do right there?


Dr. Bart Precourt: It doesn’t bother me one bit.


Ronda Nelson: Do you let it go out even if you like misspoke 20 times and the dog farted while you were on camera or you burped or whatever. Would you record it over? You can’t really because it’s a Live but would you delete the live?


Dr. Bart Precourt: Ronda, you know me well enough. I don’t care. It’s the bigger picture. If I get to put out 25, 30 Live Facebook videos a month, what’s the general consensus? I’m in front of people nonstop. Some is always better than none. I’m never going to tell a lie. It’s always about giving, loving, and serving. And people love the authenticity.


Ronda Nelson: I agree 100%. And if you make a mistake, it’s so much more relatable, and people know that you’re human just like them. We, as human species, and I think especially now more than ever in our history, we need connection. And sadly, in many places, connection is difficult right now [Covid] because of laws and regulations, etcetera. So, when you feel like you can have a virtual connection with someone who’s a real person, i.e., they burp or something happened and they got distracted and came back, we naturally think, “Hey, that guy’s like me,” I like him. He’s like me. So kudos to you. I love that.


Dr. Bart Precourt: You know, to that point, I think it’s really important, especially for the people out there that are thinking about starting Facebook Lives, and maybe a little nervous about doing it. I don’t really prepare mine. I get a thought in my brain and then I imagine walking into the waiting room where my patients are. And someone asked me a question like, “What’s good for brain fog?” This is a perfect topic for a Facebook Live. We need to give them a good quick answer but there’s a roomful of people that have varying levels of health-related education, and not every word is going to come out perfect. And that’s ok. But when I try to be perfectly articulated and make sure I’m sounding professional and like I know what I’m talking about, those are hard for me.


Ronda Nelson: They are hard. Yep.


Dr. Bart Precourt: When I just get to do Dr. Bart, it’s actually much easier. So, I would encourage everyone, even if you watch me, don’t try to be me. Just be you. Be the exact same person you are the rest of the time. And absolutely do not fear or be afraid of a failure or not saying the right thing. The only way you could say the wrong thing is if you don’t say anything at all. That’s it.


Ronda Nelson: I would agree with that. I think that’s so well said my friend. By staying silent, you’re allowing your patients, your clients, the people that know, like and trust you to have misinformation about the topic or learning something that may not be accurate. Especially now that we have Dr. Google who is the worst educator ever, ever on the planet. So, being that authority makes a huge difference, and you’ve stepped up and done it really well.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, there are a lot of things through the course of the day that I’m always trying to measure where’s my energy going. And there are certain things I do that take a lot of energy. Sometimes I have consults that take a lot of energy from me, but it’s part of what I do. And it’s okay. I have a fee-for-service and this is part of who I am and what I do. I will tell you, my Facebook Lives, they give me energy. They literally give me energy knowing every day, even if things aren’t perfect in the clinic, at least I was giving, loving, and serving this morning. And it rolls right into my day and starts it off right. I try not to use ultra-motivation every day to get me to do it but I do have a ritual that puts me in the perfect place to do them. I will tell you when I’ve tried to force things or when I think it has to be perfect, that’s when I get in trouble. That’s when it doesn’t feel or sound sound authentic. The whole thing doesn’t work.


So, real quickly, I would say to peeps that I like to do mine in the morning. I don’t like to wait until the end of the day for a couple of reasons. One, if I put it out in the morning, there’s an entire day of people searching Facebook. That’s the beauty of it. There’s almost like a clock that starts ticking. And then tomorrow, it starts fresh all over again. So, I’m a pretty early riser. Most of my Facebook Live’s are going out before 8 AM, 7:00, 7:30. I’m usually in my car at 7:15. By 7:21 I’m done and I’m off to work. So, that being said, what I do prior to that plays a big role. I have a morning exercise routine, I have my meditation, my prayer, and my gratitude. And then I have power statements where I really kind of like get myself going and then from there I find it just flows through me so much easier. The difference might be, Ronda, if I’m surfing Facebook and googling and I’m doing all the other things that distract my energy and my time, those messages just end up different.


Ronda Nelson: Would you agree that they almost get scattered? If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is you check your email, and then you check Facebook and then you decide, “Well, maybe I’m going to just go sit on the couch for a little while,” and you don’t get up out of bed and get your morning moving, your energy isn’t on point, sharp and focused, which enables you to present a clear message. When you get distracted, your message gets distracted. And then it starts just kind of being all over the place and you’re not going to be happy with the output.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I don’t put a lot of attachment on the output. Instead, I’ll put more attachment on what I can do better. And I know that sounds like a subtlety there but it’s so, so important. I can’t do anything about the past but once it’s up on video. It’s already gone.


Ronda Nelson: Right, right, right.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I don’t even take them down. And this what I would also encourage people, I’m still very active in responding. I have built a tribe and I never think about the financial reward or that kind of stuff. But I want to build engagement and connect with the people who reach out. I respond to messages and I won’t be the doctor on Facebook. I lead on Facebook and I think everyone understands that I’m not giving protocols and diagnosing people on Facebook. You’ve got to draw that line. They look at me as a leader and I love that feedback. I love that interaction and so do the people. You mentioned it earlier. Connection is lost right now.


Ronda Nelson: It is.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I can’t tell you how many people have paid my fees, (and I’ve got some decent fees) and they say, “The reason I’m calling you is because you responded on Facebook. I sent you a message. You gave me a thumbs up and a high five, like whatever.” Just the acknowledgment now is something that’s priceless. And I mean it priceless because, again, it was absolutely free.


Ronda Nelson: Right. And they didn’t expect it but you over-deliver just by the fact that you do something as simple as like a comment or give a high five or a kaboom or your famous signature, a little emoji with the sunglasses [laughing] but that little thing means that you noticed me. And when I post on your video and you come back with your little baldheaded emoji with sunglasses, I’m like, “Aww,” and it makes me feel seen and acknowledged. And it was nothing for you. It took nothing for you to hit the button but it means so much in the way of building that connection to people.


Dr. Bart Precourt: And right now, this is a super important time, more than it’s ever, ever been and I feel the same thing from the people. I feel incredibly supported. I feel incredibly encouraged to keep raising the bar and oftentimes when I’m thinking, does this really matter? I get those messages. Because now you and I can’t hide anymore. People are going to reach out to you. There’s so many unbelievably kind message, it’s hard for me not to want to continue to give back so it’s just a constant revolving door – like a love faucet that just keep rolling back and forth. It’s nice.


Ronda Nelson: Yes. So, when you get up in the morning, you do your morning ritual, and then you’re like ready to go. You hop in the car at 7:15 and then you know that your next thing is to get your Facebook Live done. So, you already have an idea of your topic because it probably came from a patient or a conversation that happened the day before. Do you keep a list of your topics?


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yes, a great question. So, here’s how I do it behind the scenes. When I have an idea and I think “Oh, that was a good one,” I grab my phone and jot it down in the notes section. I literally just go in there and I’ve got thousands of notes. When I attended all of your seminars, I took notes on my phone. I just make a new note, write FB for Facebook, and then I write what my topic is going to be and then I know how to fill it in. I already know my topic for tomorrow, which is rare, but it’s going to be “What is your posture selling?”


Ronda Nelson: Ooh, good one!


Dr. Bart Precourt: Oh, yeah! Right?


Ronda Nelson: Boom, baby. Boom.


Dr. Bart Precourt: We were in yoga and I’m in this yoga class and my wife was talking about how I always talk about good posture is sexy. So what are you selling with your body? What are you selling with your posture? So, I’m going to go into that because right now we see people with masks. We’re not seeing sexy. We’re not seeing confident. Your posture’s everything you can see. And if you can’t see it, it’s part of your posture. That’s a beautiful topic. And they just come to me. So, as soon as I get done with my yoga class, I put it in my phone. One day, I wasn’t even paying attention to what I wanted to talk about but I know if I get stuck, I can scroll back and find something. And then I’ll just roll with it. So, I have my topic. When I get in my car the first thing I do is I sit down and I write out the title until it looks good to me. I write it in my notes. And then, I copy and paste it over in Facebook. So, now I have it permanently there, ready to do the live.


And FYI, don’t shoot your video with your camera vertically. Always shoot your video with the camera sideways, horizontally. I didn’t know that in the beginning.


Ronda Nelson: Yeah, always horizontal. Yeah, always because otherwise, you’re tall and skinny and then you have the big black section on either side. So, you always want to do horizontal, which means you’re going to have to position it in a way that makes it so that the video works. But I know you’re going to get to that. I don’t want to get ahead. Okay, go.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, I put the title in and make sure it looks good and reads well. And I know how the eye works. So, I want the question on the first line and kind of the punch line on the second line. So, if you go through all my titles, you’ll see there’s two lines with everything. Get the brain to think first, – I want to engage you, get you to step in and then I tell you how to fix this or whatever I’m talking about. And here’s what I use to record. I took it out of my jeep to show you guys.


Ronda Nelson: You brought the tools? Woohoo!


Dr. Bart Precourt: This is what I wish I had in the beginning. Your listeners are going to be way ahead of the game. There’s nothing better than this in terms of going in the car. So, listen also, don’t record your video while you drive. I did my first 150 videos driving. I didn’t get good feedback from my people. Literally, I’d be driving while I was recording the video. But I don’t do that anymore.


Ronda Nelson: They didn’t like it. Your listeners did not like that.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I got enough people that cared and love for me that said, “Yeah, please don’t do that, Bart.”


Ronda Nelson: Yeah. Well, that’s nice. They love you. They want you to be safe.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I’ll see if you guys can read this. If not, Ronda, maybe you can put in the show notes. It’s Arkon. It sticks to my windshield and it’s super strong so I can move it however I want and then I leave it there. I don’t like to change my setup every morning. Because I want to keep it simple. I want it easy. I want it to be fast. I don’t have 20 minutes to prepare the videos and all that kind of stuff. No, it stays on my windshield 24/7. That being said, you can get in any one of my cars. I got a lot of cars. There’s one of these in each one.


Ronda Nelson: I love this. I’m going to jump in. Basically, you’re creating almost a foolproof system to get your Facebook Live’s done. Meaning, you don’t go get in another car and go, “Oh, man, the Arkon mount is in the other car,” or “I left it in my gym bag.” This way, you are set up so it doesn’t matter where you are, what car you’re in because the car is the place you do your thing.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yeah. Well, I had those excuses in the beginning. And then I frustrated myself trying to get it all put together. That was when I decided to get one for each car.


Ronda Nelson: Good job. Way to go.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Easy, breezy. So, I set that up, easy breezy. I shoot my video. Right after the video it says share or delete, and I always hit share. Always. There’s one more little thing I’m going to tell you, and this is random. We didn’t talk about this. There’s something called – it’s a download app – called Speed Test.


Ronda Nelson: Speed like as in Speed Racer, driving? Speed?


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yes.


Ronda Nelson: I’m writing it down. We’ll put it in the show notes.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Okay, Speed Test and again, I have no affiliation with these guys, but the speed test lets me know how strong my signal is every day. And we don’t want to upload a poor-quality video.


Ronda Nelson: Ahhh, so you speed test it first to make sure your speed is good then you record your video.


Dr. Bart Precourt: It explains one of the mistakes I made, and I see a lot of people doing the same thing. In your house, you typically have your phone set for Wi-Fi. So, it connects to your Wi-Fi but once you go out of the house, you are in between your cell and wifi signals. So now, your video, which needs stronger Wi-Fi, is weak so you have to top the video and reconnect to whatever wifi is available – 5, 10, 20G, whatever it is out there.


Ronda Nelson: Don’t even get us started on that topic but, yes, I get you.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, I messed up a lot of videos where they were just shoddy. They would be choppy, then have a few clear words, then choppy again. So make sure you use SpeedTest to make sure you have a solid signal from the beginning. So, that would be a simple way to make sure that you have a solid signal throughout. But here’s the other thing…. I don’t get in my car to go to my clinic every day.


Ronda Nelson: Oh yeah. So, now how do you work around that? Now, you’re messing up your schedule. Oh, I see it! The tripod.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, this is going to make you laugh. If you see my videos, you’re going to see me in my jeep. And most of the time, the top’s off. Well, the other day, I got caught in a rainstorm and I just kept doing the video. It was just raining and raining while I was doing the video and it didn’t even matter. Just put it out there. It’s free and people love it. And it’s better than nothing.


Ronda Nelson: You are so right.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, with that same idea, I have one of these tripods sitting wherever I shoot video. I do not want to drag it around and try to get it set up every time. This one is lightweight, easy, breezy. You can get it from Amazon. This literally says Amazon Basics Tripod. You can spend $300 on a tripod or $19.99. It works perfect.


Ronda Nelson: Yeehaw!


Dr. Bart Precourt: Absolutely perfect. You will need a piece to hold your phone.


Ronda Nelson: That’s the adapter.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yeah. And it’ll say for iPhone 5 or 10, whatever you got. I stick my phone in there when I’m ready to record and I leave the adaptor on there. So, I have two adaptors and two tripods. The other one you’ll see, if you watch some of my videos, are up by my pool. There was a time when I wasn’t sure I wanted to show people my home and all of my life but now, I really don’t care. It’s actually creating a better tribe. It’s authentic and sometimes you’ll see towels hanging out and stuff like that, but that’s me. That’s my life. I’ve got eight dogs so like there’s just lots of stuff going on. Me, my wife and all this stuff. So, the pool videos, they’re fantastic settings. We love our pool. We love our outdoor space. So I leave a tripod out there. It invites me to go shoot a video. And this is my home office space that I do my podcast and that kind of stuff. Will you put my show in the notes?


Ronda Nelson: Absolutely! I’ll make sure everything Bart has mentioned, for those of you listening to the podcast and not watching on YouTube, is in the show notes. There’s going to be a ton of resources in there.


Dr. Bart Precourt: So, having these tools in place will start to eliminate the other excuses that we come up with. So, I’ve got a mounting bracket in my car. I’ve got tripods in my house. I’ve got my adaptors. And your iPhone is a good enough camera. I fought that all the time. I thought I needed a fancy camera. I bought a fancy camera, and now it collects dust. I’ve got all these other clip-on microphones and all that stuff. I don’t use any of it. I use my iPhone for what this is. And remember, this is not designed to be perfect. I’m not teaching a seminar here – I am trying to connect. I’m trying to add value. And I don’t sell. I’m never like, “Buy this supplement.” If it comes up, that’s fine. I won’t prompt the conversation by saying something about yellow fly season, just to promote a product. (We have like these bugs that come out here and people blow up.) But if it comes up naturally, I’ll show them the bottle of Antronex and tell them that everyone should have some at home.


I don’t use these videos to sell and I think now I probably have 600 videos over the past few years, maybe even 700 or so videos. We never have an intention to sell. It’s always about how are we are leading. Are we giving more value? Are we giving opportunities for people that want to improve their health?


Ronda Nelson: You are so right. There are so many people out that are trying to get in our pockets via email and the TV and whatever they are selling. Many people have taken advantage of the COVID situation and are trying to make more money by doing hard selling. A lot of people are out of work during those months so to have someone that’s trying to sell, sell, sell is always going to be a repel, repel, repel. Always, every time. But when you show up and you’re really just loving, giving, and serving your community, it creates rapport and trust and gratitude and love and all those things that you want to come back to you. Because that’s the intention with which it’s given. I just want to serve. I want to give you value. I want to add quality to your life. And that translates into clinic growth. Talk to me a little bit about that. What have you seen in your clinic?


Dr. Bart Precourt: I’ll tell you what it’s done. So, I often talk about being the king in your space. When I say that, and I don’t want anyone to take it the wrong way, what I mean is that I am 100% responsible for looking over my kingdom of patients and people. I can’t just be a warrior and work harder all the time. Warriors die in battle. I used to think that it was an awesome approach to be the warrior. But now, I have this kind of king approach where I say, “How do I do this in such a way that I continue to give, love, and serve and get rewarded as a result of it?” So, my clientele that I see now are higher. They’re more compliant. They want what I have to offer, and they know that they’re going to have to pay the price and they don’t care. I will also say that it’s definitely made me king in my space locally and in a lot of other spaces. Doors continue to open up so I can continue to serve.


So, I get invited to podcasts all the time. I get invited to do all kinds of things. I have multiple, multiple celebrities and professional athletes that I take care of now. And it’s just word of mouth. And that word of mouth, quite frankly, is Facebook. I had one of my athletes come in just the other day and said, yeah, me and my teammates, we’re all watching your live Facebooks.


Ronda Nelson: Woohoo! That’s awesome.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Totally. And that’s kind of the idea. So, we haven’t talked much about this but prior to COVID, I started doing a lot more virtual consults because of the simple law of supply and demand. By doing the Facebook Lives, I’m reaching people nationwide, worldwide, and now people were calling to make appointments. So, we had to meet that demand and say, “Yes, we do virtual consults.” Now, I’m only in my clinic for two days a week and the rest of the time, I’m sitting here in my other clinic if you want to call it, on other days when we only have virtual consults, and that’s something I always wanted. I’ve been doing this kind of clinical work for a long time. I didn’t want to be in my brick-and-mortar forever. I still love my brick-and-mortar and I love the people, but I didn’t want to have to be there as much. So now we are blessed with the opportunity to do this wherever I want. I don’t even have to have the right clothes on.


Ronda Nelson: All that matters is what’s above the waist. [laughing] You can sit there in your underwear or you can sit in your pajamas nobody cares. That’s the beauty of being able to work from home. You just got to be waist up camera ready, and that’s good enough! We’re good.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I’ll say something else to the practitioners out there that might have a chiropractic or acupuncture office. That was me, Ronda, 100%. I adjusted every single patient. When people talked virtual, my brain said that was for somebody else. That won’t work for me. I put my hands on everyone. My hands are my gift. How can I not use my gift? The next thing I know, I have another gift, which is my voice and my message. And I love that. I want to say that I’m better in this one-on-one environment on Zoom than I was in my office because of all the other distractions. You know, it’s interesting. I got asked that the other day when I was on a podcast and they said, “Do you feel disconnected?” And I said no. I said, “What I love about it is that the patients are comfortable.” My clients are comfortable. They are in their living rooms. They’re in their bedrooms. They are in their own offices. That’s totally different than going to a doctor’s office and having to say and feel a certain way. So, I actually feel like I’ve been able to dive deeper, get more accurate, and I feel like as a result, my compliance, my results go up and that’s what this is all about.


Ronda Nelson: What it’s done for you is by putting yourself out there and being vocal about what you believe, but not being pushy, not being salesy but just being who you are, you are naturally attracting your right kind of people. I can’t be you. You can’t be me. And that’s good because you’re a guy and I’m a girl [laughing] but nonetheless, your personality and mine are the same in a lot of ways, but we’re very different. And that’s what makes us all so unique. But what you did was you decided to serve. And you asked, “How can I be the king of a kingdom of people that I want to love and serve? How do I be that person and take really good care of them?” And it’s not by saying, “Come in, come in, I’ve got the best adjustment, or I’ve got the best technique. Or I’m the best at X, Y, or Z.” All you did was serve your people and before long, they start flowing in. And then, you can work with the patients that you really love helping because of your individual passion.  I love this. Love this. Thank you so much.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I want to thank you. You know how much I love you and you know how much I appreciate you. All these years, you’ve been my favorite teacher and I love it because you’re you. That is one of my favorite things about learning from you. And I love the fact that you’ve taken it from a clinical perspective and brought it forward into business because there’s so much more behind the clinical components. These businesses that we have take a lot of work and energy to make them thrive. So, kudos to you for creating this. If I had that opportunity 5, 10 years ago, I would have jumped all over that knowledge. So, I would share with all your listeners today to listen, pay as much attention to your business as you do your clinic because your clinic will stagnate if your business is not growing.


Ronda Nelson: That’s right.


Dr. Bart Precourt: I literally had to level up, Ronda, to match my demand. I had to become a better clinician because all of a sudden, I was out there and I had to raise my own bar. And I want to thank you for that because you’ve always talked about having a virtual practice and doing things like that way back in the day. Do you know one of the first seminars I went to with you? I brought my dog.


Ronda Nelson: I remember. You were sitting in the very back row.


Dr. Bart Precourt: Yeah.


Ronda Nelson: You sat there for eight hours. We’re doing female hormones.


Ronda Nelson: Yes, female hormones and the dog was underneath the chair. And I remember at the breaks, I would come to the back of the room and ask to see your dog. And we talked and chatted and then we sat at the bar area in the hotel and we just had a great conversation. I have to say you really are one of my favorite people and I have so much respect for you and I’ve loved being called one of your friends and I just am so thankful that you came on to share with all of the listeners about how to leverage such a great tool that doesn’t cost anything. It takes a little bit of courage in the beginning but the takeaway, I think, is to get the right tools, set yourself up for success, and don’t worry about it. Don’t overthink it. Just talk to the camera like you’re talking to someone in your waiting room. Don’t worry about looking at the camera. Don’t worry about who’s looking in or whether it’s raining. Don’t worry. Just start talking. Keep it short and simple and then off you go. And that’s how you give, love and serve.


Dr. Bart Precourt: You got it, girl. You got it.




Ronda Nelson: Yeah. Thank you so much. Thanks for being with me. And for the rest of you, thanks for joining The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. I love having you here. I’m so grateful that you come and you listen every week as we really just launched this podcast and I was so honored to have my friend, Dr. Precourt, on with me. So, anyway, all of you take care. Have a great rest of the week. Be sure you check out the show notes and wherever you’re listening to this podcast, subscribe so that you’ll get the next one in your inbox. As usual, it’s time that you grow your business like a boss. Take care, my friends. Talk to you soon.



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