
022: Tech Tools That Make Security Easy with Jeff Evenson – Part 2





Ronda Nelson: Welcome back to The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. I’m your host, Ronda Nelson, and this week I have my friend, Jeff Evenson joining us again for part two. Hi, Jeff.


Jeff Evenson: Hi, Ronda. How are you doing?


Ronda Nelson: Good. I’m so glad you’re back for part two. We had quite a conversation last week. If you missed that episode, you’re definitely going to want to go back and check that one out. Jeff was great because he didn’t make it complicated that the rest of us couldn’t understand it. In part two, Jeff, we’re going to talk about how to really secure the computer. Last week we talked about signal coming in and how to change passwords and how to manage that but this week, I wanted to talk about how to get the machine itself. I’ve got my Mac right here and you’ve got a PC. How do we keep the actual computer safe? The first thing I want to talk about is passwords. Every software and program that we run, we’ve got all these different passwords for places we go on the internet and those are vulnerabilities for us, yes?


Jeff Evenson: Yes. A lot of times, people are going to come up with the same few passwords, and use it everywhere they log in.


Ronda Nelson: I’m so guilty of that. Ooh, I’m so guilty.


Jeff Evenson: I used to be. What’s bad about that is that password may be an easy one. It might be their kid’s name or their pet’s name and the year. For example, my cat’s name is Clyde. So, it might be Clyde2020 and you use that same password everywhere you log in because it’s easy to remember. What’s bad about that is if you – ‘ll use the number 100. Let’s say you have 100 different websites that you log into, well, if one of those companies gets hacked and all that information is taken, your username and password, the hackers now have that password and they’re going to try that password everywhere else that you may have been logging in with. So, if there are 99 other sites out there that you use that password, you would then be at risk and need to change that password 99 times.


Ronda Nelson: Oh, what a nightmare.


Jeff Evenson: That is a pain in the rear end, I tell you.


Ronda Nelson: So, how do we go do that easily? We mentioned last week that there’s a software called LastPass and I know you’re a big fan of LastPass. And I think that’s what you’re going to say is probably our solution here.


Jeff Evenson: It is. The real solution is to use a password manager. Some people may already have password managers so if you’re using one of those other ones, great. I talked about LastPass because I’ve done a lot of research on that company. I know how the work goes into protecting their backend systems. Years ago, when I started using LastPass, they had a major data breach.


Ronda Nelson: Oh, really? I didn’t know that.


Jeff Evenson: They had a major data breach. I was able to talk with the engineers at LastPass, to understand why they were trying to sell me on using their tool. Why should I do that? What did they do to fix that data breach? They were able to explain their technology to me in such a way that it’s like, “Oh, because the LastPass data, the vault of passwords were taken if you don’t have a password to get into that vault, that blob of information doesn’t mean anything to anybody who hasn’t. “


Ronda Nelson: Okay. That makes sense. So, how do we use that? What does that look like to implement it in a clinical setting or personal? Can you use it for personal and clinic? I mean, can we use both?


Jeff Evenson: Absolutely. Yeah. And I would highly encourage it. Everybody should use LastPass. I’m going to go as far and say that you should not survive on the internet without some kind of password manager. And for the personal side, use LastPass because what if you stepped in front of a bus tomorrow?


Ronda Nelson: Yeah, right. No one would know how to get – my husband wouldn’t know how to get on the bank account for nothing.


Jeff Evenson: Right. What’s cool about LastPass is they have a feature that you can set your account up for designated emergency access to another LastPass user. For example, I have my son set up and I designated him, granting him immediate access if he requested it. He can get into my account. I’m not married, so I rely on my son to have that. Then I set my sister up because if my son and I are out together and we get hit by the same bus, you can list any number of people. I have my sister set up to also have emergency access but I gave her 72 hours. So, hopefully, once she requests access, LastPass won’t give it to her until 72 hours later. Anytime somebody requests access, it’s going to give you an email saying, “Hey, Jeff, did you know your sister is requesting access?” I’m going to call her up and say, “Hey, sis, what are you doing?” And she might say, “Oh, I did that by accident,” or, “Oh, I thought you were hit by a bus,” and then I can just laugh and say, “No, the news was wrong.”


Ronda Nelson: The news was wrong. I’m still here. Too bad for you.


Jeff Evenson: Right.


Ronda Nelson: So, when we set LastPass up, we get in there, we get it all set up. How does that work, then to keep everything secure?


Jeff Evenson: When you first start using LastPass, you get a vault, and since you’re a new user, there won’t be anything in there. The best way I can think about it is if you think of your browser, your web browser has all these favorites setup. All the websites that you’ve been to, you probably bookmarked them as your favorites. Well, LastPass is similar to that. Now, if you install it on your browser, it’ll ask you, “Hey, do you want me to sweep through your browsers on your computer to get all the accounts that you’ve been using your browsers to log you into?” If you’ve been telling your browser, “Hey, remember this password,” which isn’t good because anybody can do this. LastPass takes advantage of that and as a new user, you’re going to go, “Why yes, please,” and harvest all of the login accounts that my browsers are aware of and bring them into LastPass. Now you’ve got that login and username for all those websites in two places. You have it inside your LastPass vault and it’s still out there in your browser history. If you’ve been using the same password on those, now, it becomes a process of housecleaning. Those sites in your LastPass vault don’t magically adopt complex passwords. So, the next time you go to the website, go to the change password feature or forgot my password and you want to change it there. Now, LastPass has an option to generate a new password.


Ronda Nelson: It’s probably a really complicated one.


Jeff Evenson: You can set the dial to very, very complicated, which I recommend, however, I’ll give you an exception to that. For example, my personal bank that I use only allows 12 characters and alphanumeric. They won’t let me put any special characters in there and it frustrates me as a security guy. In those cases, LastPass has a dial or a slider, you can say slide it down to 12 and uncheck the special character box or the complex box and just go really simple. They make it that simple because there are other levels of security in place for multi-factor authentication, which we won’t get into today. That’s what they’re relying on is that extra security.


Ronda Nelson: Okay. So, installing LastPass should be essential for making sure that your passwords have the ability to generate a different password for each of these sites that you go to and then my understanding with LastPass, too, is that you have one master password that you log in and then all the rest of the passwords are saved and they’re different. Is that right?


Jeff Evenson: Yeah. You want them to all be different. Remember last week when we talked about coming up with a password, using a long sentence and all that, I recommend for people to go back and listen to that but you want to have a complex master password, something that you will never forget, and something that only you will know. You don’t even want to share that with your spouse. Tell your spouse to create their own LastPass account, have their own master password because within LastPass you can share login information once you’re in your own vaults.


Ronda Nelson: So, if I get hit by a bus, then my husband has access to my information because I’ve shared that with him and he then could have access to mine as I set that up?


Jeff Evenson: Yeah. You can share your Netflix, Amazon, or any other accounts that you want to share, even your investment account. Take the time to have that dialogue with your spouse to say, “Hey, let’s both use LastPass, and then we’ll create these accounts up in shared folders so we can share it back and forth with each other.”


Ronda Nelson: Okay.


Jeff Evenson: Just to give you an idea, I have over 500 different login accounts in my LastPass vault.


Ronda Nelson: Oh my gosh, you are hardcore.


Jeff Evenson: And there’s a reason why there are so many. People sometimes get stuck when I tell them, “500,” and I’ll go on and I’ll come back because they’re still confused and I’m like, “You’re still in 500, aren’t you?”


Ronda Nelson: Yeah.


Jeff Evenson: How many times have you been reading something on the internet and somebody will put a link in the article and say, “Hey, if you want to know more backstory on this situation, follow this link.” So, you follow the link to go to the rest of the story, for example, and it says, “You need to have an account. The account is free. You need to log in.” Well, I always use LastPass. I say, “LastPass, just create, give me a new password. Figure it out. Handle it.” So, I don’t know the complex passwords to any of my accounts in LastPass. I just know the one master password.


Ronda Nelson: That gets you into your vault.


Jeff Evenson: That gets you into the vault. That’s all you need to know. Don’t let it stress you out. It’s like, “Oh, my God, I’ve got everything in one place.” Just don’t forget your master password because I will tell you LastPass, if you call them up, say if you tell them, “Hey, I forgot my master password,” if you’re not on the computer that you created the account, they may not be able to help you and they may not be able to help you anyway but they’ll try if it’s on the same computer that you initially created the account. But what if you’re six months down the road and, “Well, shoot. I have five computers in my office. Which one did I use?


Ronda Nelson: Yeah.


Jeff Evenson: Okay. They’ll tell you, “Too bad. So sad,” because they don’t have access to it either.


Ronda Nelson: So, it just needs to be something that you can remember and that you maybe create a folder just like a file folder in your drawer that just says LastPass and you have it written down inside that file folder or something.


Jeff Evenson: Put it in your safe, that’s a good one. If you have an iPhone or an Android, create a notes file that can be secure. You just don’t want anybody else to know what it is. Put it in a safe place. Don’t put it on a yellow sticky on the monitor. Please do not do that.


Ronda Nelson: On the front of the computer. Yeah. We don’t want to do that.


Jeff Evenson: Don’t do that. People laugh when I tell them that sometimes but I’ve done security assessments even when I was in the Navy and when I went around an officer that I worked for said he was going on leave, he said, “Go ahead, assess my office and all that kind of stuff,” and I found his password in 10 seconds. He wrote it in a marker on the underside of his keyboard. It’s the first place hackers look. They’re going to pick it up. They’re going to look at everything around. They’re trying to figure out how to log in. We use the term hackers sometimes but from a security world, there’s this other thing called the insider threat. Yes, you want to believe you can trust your employees and all that kind of stuff, but can you?


Ronda Nelson: Well, the rule of thumb in business and I don’t talk about this much because I kind of hate to say it but when you’re in business as a CEO, I don’t like to say, “Trust no one,” but it’s kind of like that. At that level, you sort of just trust no one and it’s not that you don’t trust them. It’s that you don’t know how a breakup is going to happen between you and a staff member. You don’t know what’s going to happen that a disgruntled husband or spouse is going to now be mad at you and then something happens and you don’t handle it right, and you think you did but you didn’t. And now they’re mad and they leave and they have your access, and then they could do a lot of damage.


Jeff Evenson: They could do a lot of damage.


Ronda Nelson: A good CEO decision is to keep your password to yourself. I would agree with that. Yeah.


Jeff Evenson: It’s like Ronald Reagan said years ago, “Trust but verify.”


Ronda Nelson: Yep. That’s right.


Jeff Evenson: There are some things you just don’t share and that’s what I’m trying to convey today is just don’t share your master password, especially if it’s a good one because they’re hard to come up with. You don’t want to share it with anybody.


Ronda Nelson: Don’t share it. Make it memorable. Write it down but don’t share it.


Jeff Evenson: And another point on that, and if you’re using a tool like LastPass, and you’re sharing passwords in there and you have that unforeseen breakup with an employee relationship or spouse or relationship, whatever, you can go into the shared options of your LastPass and say, stop sharing, and it breaks the link and then they can’t get into that account anymore.


Ronda Nelson: So, then for our employees that come in, LastPass can be really valuable as well. For my staff, they have access to my Amazon account and for a long time, I just gave them my username and password. And then I came across LastPass and I thought, “I think this is a better way to do this.” Now, one of them does, she has access but she has access through LastPass. So, if anything were to happen, all I have to do is hit that terminate button and then she doesn’t have access anymore.


Jeff Evenson: Right. What’s cool about that is when you’re sharing between LastPass on a login account to Amazon, and you share it to somebody, you can put a checkbox in there that says, “Read-only,” and it prevents them from actually seeing the password then they can’t change it. So, LastPass is smart enough to log somebody in without showing that person what the password is.


Ronda Nelson: Nice. This is a great tool to really protect your computer and the login information that you have on the outbound sites that you’re going and visiting. But we also have another threat that I want to talk about with you, Jeff, and that is the incoming hacker threat and that would be what I think of as the antivirus type software. So, we’re protecting it by guarding our passwords by using a password protector. And by the way, Jeff and I both like LastPass but other software do the same thing. So, you don’t have to use LastPass. They are kind of the “king of the hill,” but there is other software that you can use for that as well. As far as antiviral goes, what do we need to do about that? We don’t need to dive too deep into this because that’s all the technical world but we know we’ve got these hackers that are trying to get in through these holes all the time. What do we use to protect our computers from hackers?


Jeff Evenson: That’s an outstanding question. We have to be thinking about malware. First, I’ll give you a scenario where the typical computer user tends to look at their computers as if it’s another appliance. In an appliance, like a dishwasher, you put dishes in it, you hit start, and it cleans the dishes.


Ronda Nelson: And it goes.


Jeff Evenson: And it goes.


Ronda Nelson: I would be that person, I think.


Jeff Evenson: People want their computer to do that type of activity. I want to sit down in front of it, it better work.


Ronda Nelson: That is so me.


Jeff Evenson: I know and I do that too. I’m in that habit too sometimes but really, it’s like, “Okay. My computer works but you have to think hackers know how to come in through the wire, through the internet to that computer.” It’s a great appliance to have on your desktop but you’ve got to know that it can be used maliciously. And software can be installed on it. We call that malware because it’s malicious software. So, it’s short for malware.


Ronda Nelson: Malware. Okay, I can remember that.


Jeff Evenson: Sometimes a pop-up may appear on the screen that says, “Hey, click this because it’s trying to do an update,” or, “Hey, we’re watching your computer and we’ve detected malware on it.” Okay. Well, wait a minute. If you see a pop-up like that, say no immediately and I already know that you have malware on your computer because that’s what’s talking to you.


Ronda Nelson: That’s how they got there. Right.


Jeff Evenson: That’s how they got there. Okay. So, if you’re running on Windows PC, I try to keep it simple. Microsoft Windows comes with Windows Defender.


Ronda Nelson: Oh, it’s already built-in and part of Windows? I don’t have a PC. I run a Mac. So, that comes with Windows then.


Jeff Evenson: It comes with Windows. Years ago, it used to be a joke what Microsoft put out to protect it from antivirus and Microsoft actually listened to the feedback. People are just joking about it and now they’re very competitive. It’s very secure. It’s very integrated with Windows 10. It works well. So, I don’t pay for malware protection and you can still pay for it if you want but you don’t have to like Norton Symantec has stuff.


Ronda Nelson: Yes, that’s one.


Jeff Evenson: There’s McAfee is another one.


Ronda Nelson: On my Mac, I run one called ESET, and every once in a while I get a little pop-up that says, “We detected malware or Trojan something,” or it’ll give me these little messages here and there. It picks stuff up, so I know it’s working.


Jeff Evenson: It’s really essential. It’s going to catch a majority of the malware that’s coming at you. You might click on a phishing link in your email that might install. I call it the phishing scam where you get an email with an attachment that says, “You better pay this invoice. It’s three days overdue.” Well, they just introduced a sense of urgency and you’re like, “What invoice?” And what’s your instinct? You want to open the invoice and read it.


Ronda Nelson: Yeah. Who do I owe money to? Sometimes they come through too and they’ll say, “Your package can’t be delivered,” like I’ve had those come through. “Your package can’t be delivered. We attempted delivery and we’re going to return it.” And people are always ordering things, right? I order stuff all the time. So I think, “Oh, my package, what?” And I don’t because I look at the address it’s from, and that always tells me whether it’s authentic or not.


Jeff Evenson: I think we talked about it on the last one. Don’t be so quick to click on stuff that shows up on your screen. Slow down. It’s a mantra that I try to teach when I’m doing security awareness classes. Slow down, slow down, slow down. Just take a minute. Understand the context around this stuff when it shows up on your screen. If the context is, “Wait a minute, I haven’t ordered from Amazon in a week. So, I’m not expecting any packages. Understand the context before you click on something.


Ronda Nelson: If someone does click on it in an email, any viral or malware software, should it catch it?


Jeff Evenson: All I can say is I hope so.


Ronda Nelson: We hope so. Okay. Well, fair enough. There’s no way to promise that, right?


Jeff Evenson: You know, I study on the security world side of things and I watch other security analysts, and they have published. There are things out there that will drive a tractor right through some of the malware that we have on our computer. Through the most well-known malware you can have, they know how to disable it sometimes. So, you want to have multi-layers of security. We talked last week about protecting stuff coming in with your router and changing passwords there and stuff, have good malware, keep your software up-to-date.


Ronda Nelson: They’re always trying to get out of some way, one way or the other. So, that’s our job is to try and make sure we’re secure, we do everything that we can by slowing down and paying attention, getting the antimalware software, and then using something like LastPass to make sure our passwords are diverse enough and long enough and encrypted enough that they can keep the bad guys out. There’s another place that I think we have some vulnerability as well and that is our browsers and the browser that we’re using. It used to be for a long time, we just had one or two browsers to choose from. Now, there are many browsers to choose from. And we know Big Brother is watching but they like to collect information about where you search and what you do on your social media and how you browse and what you buy. I was refurbishing an office and I wanted this certain type of end table, and I’m doing the end table looking for it. And for weeks afterward, the only thing that shows up everywhere I went, was seeing end tables. They’re watching. So, Jeff, how do we minimize that? Whoever big brother is, they’re not watching our every single move like the vacuum cleaner that got taken over in our last episode, we talked about it.


Jeff Evenson: That’s a great question. The browsers that are typically out there are Microsoft Edge or Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you’re still using Internet Explorer, you’ve got to get off of that or at least upgrade to Microsoft Edge. At a minimum, it’s even more secure than Internet Explorer. Google Chrome is another common browser but that is designed to track anything and everything that you’re doing. Google has been in different lawsuits and antitrust suits about the privacy of their browser. It watches. It listens to everything you’re doing. There’s a new browser out there that’s relatively new in the last probably a year or less. It’s called Brave.


Ronda Nelson: Brave like I’m a brave warrior?


Jeff Evenson: Yep. You can get it at and it is designed with security from the beginning. It will block all of the trackers on every website. To give you an example, I have Facebook up on my other browser and it’s telling me that it’s blocked six items, trackers, and ads blocked. My Amazon site says four items blocked and you can go so on and so on. Every website has cookies.


Ronda Nelson: Like bread. A cookie is literally like a breadcrumb, like Little Red Riding Hood leaves breadcrumbs as she goes so she knows how to get out. And the cookies are like that. They’re just little breadcrumbs marking that kind of mark your trail as you go.


Jeff Evenson: Right. So, since I’ve been using this new computer, I put Brave on it to give you an idea and I’ve been using it for probably six months, maybe a little more, and Brave tells you stats on what it’s blocked, how it’s protecting you. So far, I’ve had 217,252 trackers and ads blocked.


Ronda Nelson: Shut the front door. Are you kidding? 217,000?


Jeff Evenson: Yeah. Then it tells you how much bandwidth that’s saved, 2.48 gigabytes of bandwidth. That’s a lot. And time saved because I didn’t have to deal with all that stuff. It saved me three hours.


Ronda Nelson: Wow. Does it work if I log into my bank, part of the online login, I get a little pop up that confirms me and I have to enter one more layer of security? Will it block those?


Jeff Evenson: Sometimes it does. And if it does, what’s cool about it is you can go in and say, “You know what, this is a site that I typically trust. My bank,” and you can turn off the blocker for just that site.


Ronda Nelson: Oh, nice.


Jeff Evenson: So, you can permit the activity because you know you’re expecting it to happen if you can accept that level of risk. You can turn it off, let that activity happen, get registered for the class, or whatever you’re trying to do, and then once you’ve gone through that, you can turn it back on for that sake.


Ronda Nelson: Nice. Okay. Then they don’t keep tracking you.


Jeff Evenson: Yeah. You’ve just got to get through the login phase. Once you’re done with that, a lot of times it won’t ask you for that again. You can turn it back on.


Ronda Nelson: Oh, that’s good. Okay. So, there is a great solution for us on the browser front. The last thing I want to talk with you today is something that I think probably all of us have been bit in the backside more than once on this. Losing our data because of no backup. What do we do about that? I have talked to practitioners and they’re the worst. I’m putting myself in that community because I am, but I’m getting better. I’ve got my own system of how to back my data up and I use several different tools but I want to get your thoughts about backing up data. What’s the best way to keep the information that we do have, safe so that if we do have a problem with the computer, we can go access it? Whether it’s a physical problem, like dropping your computer in water, a mud puddle, or it breaks or gets hacked or compromised? What are your recommendations for backups?


Jeff Evenson: It’s a conundrum sometimes because you think, “Well, I don’t want to have stuff in the cloud. It’s not secure. It’s not safe.” But nowadays, you almost need different services. There’s a lot out there. At a minimum, I would say use something like Dropbox. There are variations. Dropbox. There’s OneDrive that if you are using a Microsoft mail account or their Microsoft Business Services, sometimes they’ll include 1 terabyte of backup space on the OneDrive, and anything you put in that OneDrive folder is not only on your computer but it also syncs. Any changes you make to that stuff syncs immediately up to the OneDrive in the cloud.


Ronda Nelson: Would that be pictures? Documents? Notes? Everything?


Jeff Evenson: Yeah. Anything that you might typically use in your working files. You’re right, your Word documents, your photos, videos, and pictures. I even set my iPhone up. When I take pictures on my iPhone, I set it up to sync with my Dropbox.


Ronda Nelson: Yours go into Dropbox. So, if you’re using a Microsoft product like a PC that you would use, what’s it called? Edge? Because I’m not a PC person.


Jeff Evenson: OneDrive.


Ronda Nelson: OneDrive. Edge is the browser, Microsoft OneDrive. That would be probably similar to Apple’s iCloud.


Jeff Evenson: iCloud. Yep.


Ronda Nelson: That would be the same. Yeah.


Jeff Evenson: Yep. And so, with those, if you’re backing your stuff up, it’s important that it has the connections back to LastPass. You want to have those services with good security on them. Because it’s in the cloud and it has a web address that anybody can go to, they could go to your Dropbox/RondaNelson and get into your drive. If you don’t have a strong password to get in there, you’re going to be toast. You just gave the keys to the world, your world to everybody. You want a service like OneDrive or Dropbox or even iCloud that has multi-factor authentication where you have to enter in another layer of security. It would be a token that you might have, a token app on your phone that has the token that you would need to put in there.


Ronda Nelson: Like you get a little pop-up asking if I’m going to buy something in there using Shopify, sometimes another little box will pop-up, and say, “Enter your Shopify code,” and it’ll come through as a text message on my phone because that’s that second layer of authentication to make sure that somebody is just not buying something with my stolen credentials. So, I think nowadays, anytime you can use a second or what they call a multi-layer, isn’t that what the term is?


Jeff Evenson: Multi-factor.


Ronda Nelson: Multi-factor authentication, I always recommend doing that. Would you as well?


Jeff Evenson: I do. I have Amazon. I even have my Facebook setup with multi-factor. And what multi-factor simply is, it’s something you have. Somebody else with a multi-factor setup, they don’t have your phone.


Ronda Nelson: Right.


Jeff Evenson: Okay. So, they can’t get that extra token if it comes to you or if it’s generated on the device.


Ronda Nelson: That’s a great way to think about it, that the password is something that you know and the token or that second multi-factor authentication is something that you have, so it’s something in your possession like your phone or that code or that request to authorize will come through.


Jeff Evenson: Right. There are multiple layers of security. You’ve just got to go with it.


Ronda Nelson: I know. We don’t like it on one hand and then we kind of need it on the other hand to protect us. It’s kind of a two-edged sword, I think.


Jeff Evenson: I’m a security guy and I hate some of these security things. It’s probably more I hate that we even have to do it.


Ronda Nelson: Thank you for saying that because I think the rest of the listeners are going to be the same way. Like, we hate the face ID. We don’t like the fingerprint ID. We don’t like them knowing all that. But what do we do? It’s that or you have your higher risk of having your information compromised. And so, what’s worse? I don’t know. It’s a conundrum, as you say.


Jeff Evenson: Yes.


Ronda Nelson: Well, Jeff, this has been another great conversation and I am so thankful for you. Thank you so much for sharing your time. Two weeks in a row, we were able to knock out these podcasts and I’m so grateful for you and thank you very much. Would you be willing to come on and do another one at another time and maybe we can talk about secure emails? How would that be?


Jeff Evenson: That would be great. You know, secure communications are always something I enjoy. I had a wonderful time. I hope somebody got something out of this. If I helped just one person, it was worth it.


Ronda Nelson: It’s a ripple effect. When we put this kind of information out there, you don’t know who you’re going to help or who you’re going to impact, but the ripple effect of that downstream is that we’ve protected families, right? We’ve put those things in place and have given the listeners a better idea about how to protect their information. So, thank you again for joining me. I really appreciate it. Take care, my friend.


Jeff Evenson: Thank you. Take care.




Ronda Nelson: Well, if that was not some serious information download, I don’t even know what was. I’m so grateful to my friend, Jeff Evenson, for doing two weeks on The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. This week was pretty incredible. We talked a lot about LastPass. I have that link for you in the show notes. I highly recommend that software. I’ve been using it in my business and personally for quite some time now and absolutely love it. It makes my life so much easier. I’ll also link information about that Brave browser that he talked about. You can grab the Brave extension and use that with Firefox or Chrome. If you do still have a preference for those two browsers, Firefox or Chrome, you can still use them. You just want to get that Brave extension added.


And then lastly, don’t forget about the importance of your backups. I will make a link to Dropbox, most of you are probably familiar with that. If you’re using a Mac like me, you can also make sure that everything you have that’s important is backed up in iCloud. So, that’s it. A long episode this week but thank you so much for hanging out with me. I really appreciate it. Can’t wait to see you next week on The Clinical Entrepreneur Podcast. Take care, my friend.




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