Terms of Service


Last Revised: August 14, 2023


We generally ship all physical orders within two to three business days. For any digital products, course materials, or other resources purchased, you will receive an email with login details (such as a link, user name, password) to our membership site or download page, to allow you to access and download such product, materials, or resources.  You agree that you will not share such access details with others who did not purchase the product.

We also offer a 10-day money-back guarantee on all our products. If you are not completely satisfied, you can return the product to us in good condition within 10 days of the date that you placed your order. In order to receive a refund within the 10-day period for any physical products, you must return everything that was shipped to you, including any bonuses, and we must receive it at our offices before the 10-day period has passed. Refunds will be issued once the product is returned and inspected, minus any credit card fees incurred at the time of purchase.

Our 10-day return policy does NOT pertain to any digital products or physical products sold with a corresponding digital product.

*International orders assume all shipment risk - no refunds will be granted for lost or damaged packages shipped internationally.

*Webinar purchases are FINAL SALE. No refunds will be granted.


© 2020 Ronda Nelson & Co / Restoration Health


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