Setting your year-end objectives...
We're about to begin the wonderful season of holiday celebrations, family gatherings, and plenty of good food!
But it's also time to begin thinking about wrapping up 2021 with a bow and deciding what you want from 2022 (besides a new narrative and no more craziness)! 😂
Instead of getting all nerdy and writing down a bunch of goals we are not likely to achieve, here are my three favorite things to do to close out the chapter called 'Life in 2021!' And they're super simple.
Here's the truth:
"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time."
So what are you aiming for next year? What objectives will you achieve?
Shoot me a text - I'd love to know! Simply click here to opt into our text messaging community. You will receive a text from me when you sign up, and then we can start the conversation!